
Inspiration is everywhere

I love that beauty is so diverse, multi-cultural but also always personal too.

It is a wonderful vehicle for artistic expression.


I get inspired everyday looking at how people express themselves with hairstyles, fashion and make-up. There aren’t any boundaries anymore and it’s incredibly liberating.


We are in the best age of beauty right now.


All Beauty Lifestyle


Beauty is lipstick but it is also a perfect cup of coffee shared with friends on a sunny morning.

It is a morning run on the beach, the sunset over the city, the smiles you get from people when you make them feel good.

Beauty surrounds us, it is more than the obvious prettiness.

It is in front of us.

It is what’s behind and what’s beyond.
This is why coffeeandbeauty is a mission to seek out beauty in every nook and crook of life.

Let’s reveal the honest and healthy beauty that makes life more enjoyable, every single day.

The little things in life that make us truly happy.

Let’s celebrate what makes us feel and look beautiful together.

Be. Celebrate. Enjoy.